National Rehab Hotline

Prescription Drug Abuse

The Most Commonly Abused Drug Statistics

Drug abuse and addiction are issues that impact families around the world. Both legal and illicit substances can lead to a lifelong battle with addiction, including alcohol, cigarettes, heroin and cocaine. People struggling with addiction can face many consequences related to their substance use disorder, from physical and psychological side effects to social and financial

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What is Lean?

Lean, sometimes referred to as “purple drank” or “sizzurp,” is a recreational drug cocktail that consists of codeine linctus (an opiate), promethazine and hydrocodone. The substance is usually mixed with a fizzy drink containing sugar and has earned a somewhat notorious reputation, particularly among the rap and hip-hop communities and among teens and young adults

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Can Drug Addiction be Considered a Disability?

Is Drug Addiction a Disability? Drug addiction is a serious disease that affects millions of Americans each year. The disease is debilitating and can often ruin people’s health as well as their career and family. In many instances, a debilitating drug addiction can also be considered a disability. However, this classification does not mean that

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