Prescription Drug Abuse

The Most Commonly Abused Drug Statistics

Drug abuse and addiction are issues that impact families around the world. From legal addictions like tobacco and alcohol to illicit substances, such as heroin or cocaine, many substances can lead to a lifelong battle with addiction. Addicts face various consequences, from physical and psychological side effects to social and financial troubles, all linked to addiction. Understanding the most commonly abused drugs is crucial for addressing addiction, implementing effective prevention strategies and providing appropriate treatment. Addiction statistics can provide a look at what drugs are most likely to result in abuse and reveal some of the most effective prevention strategies.

Drug Addiction Statistics From Top Data Sources

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), adolescent drug use continues to hold steady compared to pre-pandemic rates, while the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) maintains a historical archive of information collected about substance abuse and mental health disorders.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors drug overdose deaths in the United States, while the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a more global perspective on the facts about drugs and their impact on communities. All these sources agree that some of the most commonly abused drugs include alcohol, prescription drugs (specifically opioids), stimulants, sedatives, marijuana and synthetic drugs.

Most Commonly Abused Drugs


Alcohol abuse remains a widespread concern, leading to addiction, liver disease, mental health disorders and accidents. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair judgment, coordination and decision-making, contributing to risky behaviors and health complications. Every year, 29.5 million people in the United States combat alcohol abuse and addiction.

Prescription Drugs

Opioid abuse, including prescription painkillers like oxycodone and hydrocodone, has contributed to an epidemic of addiction and overdose deaths. In 2021, opioids caused 80,411 overdose deaths in the United States alone.

Stimulants: Cocaine, Methamphetamines and Prescriptions

Stimulant abuse can result in heightened alertness, euphoria and increased energy and carries the risk of addiction, cardiovascular complications and psychological dependence. Cocaine and methamphetamine misuse can lead to severe health consequences and social problems. The number of stimulant prescriptions continues to increase — from 3.6% to 4.1% between 2016 and 2021 — and so does the use of illegal stimulants. Overdose deaths related to cocaine increased from 12,122 in 2015 to 53,495 in 2021, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.


Prescription benzodiazepines, used for anxiety and sleep disorders, are prone to abuse due to their sedative effects. Long-term benzodiazepine use can lead to tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and overdose risks when combined with other substances. Approximately 5.9 million people misuse benzodiazepines and other sedative medications each year.


Marijuana misuse can lead to addiction, cognitive impairment and mental health disorders, especially in adolescents and individuals with preexisting psychiatric conditions. An estimated 48.2 million people have used marijuana at least once since 2019, and continuing legalization and acceptance efforts may push that number substantially higher.

Synthetic Drugs: Synthetic Cannabinoids and Bath Salts

Synthetic drugs, designed to mimic the effects of controlled substances, pose significant health risks due to their unpredictable nature and potential for toxic reactions. Abuse of synthetic cannabinoids and bath salts can lead to severe medical emergencies and overdose deaths. The number of synthetic drugs continues to skyrocket, with more than 200 compounds available, 90 of which are synthetic cannabinoids.

Consensus Opinion From All Sources

While the prevalence of drug abuse may vary by region, age group and socioeconomic factors, certain substances consistently rank among the most commonly abused drugs globally. Alcohol, prescription opioids, marijuana, stimulants, sedatives and synthetic drugs top the list across the globe. Access is the number one reason many of these substances so frequently result in addiction. Alcohol and marijuana addiction affect substantially more people than any other substances on the list due to the fact that they’re often legally available.

If you or a loved one struggles with drug addiction, get help. At the National Rehab Hotline, we have counselors standing by to help you take the first steps toward sobriety and provide long-term treatment options and referrals.