
The Dallas metro area offers a thriving economy, a diverse food scene and plenty to do whether you love nightlife, arts and culture, outdoor activities or sports. The area attracts new residents every month, ensuring rapid growth. However, not everything is copacetic in Dallas and the rest of the Lone Star State. Texas faces a growing drug epidemic, with the rate of drug poisoning deaths almost doubling from 2017 to 2021 and trends continuing to rise.

Whether you’re a resident of Dallas or a visitor to the city, you don’t have to face a substance abuse crisis alone. Reaching out for help substantially reduces the risk of negative outcomes, including a fatal overdose. Find addiction support via Dallas hotlines designed to connect you with compassionate treatment options today.

Dallas Substance Abuse Hotline Resources

Hotline resources connect you with trained volunteers or mental health specialists who can help you with immediate needs. Consider these hotlines if you need assistance connecting with crisis support or substance abuse treatment options in your area.

  • Dallas Overdose Prevention Hotline
    Connect with this nonemergency substance abuse helpline from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. any day of the week to get information about treatment options and referrals to local resources. The hotline offers assistance in English or Spanish, and you can receive a follow-up list of available resources tailored to your needs.
    (214) 590-4000
  • Texas 211
    Texas 211 is a program of the Texas Health and Human Services. You can call or text this hotline to connect with a specialist who’s trained to listen to your needs and help you find resources in your area. Texas 211 offers a wide range of support, including help with substance abuse recovery needs. When you call the number, you can connect with a person who knows about resources in the Dallas area.
    Call: 211
    Text: Your ZIP code to 898211
  • 988 Texas
    This hotline is designed to connect you with trained mental health counselors during a time of crisis. If you’re experiencing a serious mental issue, a crisis related to the addiction cycle or another urgent behavioral health need, dial 988 for help.
  • Crisis Text Line
    Connect with confidential and free support 24-7 via text, online chat or WhatsApp. You’ll chat with a live, trained crisis volunteer who can help you talk through a crisis moment and find a better headspace so you can seek local support. You can find options other than text-based chatting on the Crisis Text Line website.
    Text: HOME to 741741

Dallas Addiction Support

Free and low-cost Dallas substance abuse help is available. Find out about some program options below.

  • Overdose Response Team
    Recovery support peers visit individuals who’ve experienced an overdose as part of this program. The goal is to have someone who has gone through the experience and is in recovery visit within 24-72 hours of an overdose to provide education and peer support for someone who’s at a crossroads in the recovery process.
  • Recovery Now Outpatient Program
    This outpatient program assesses individuals who are dealing with substance abuse disorders and offers 12- to 24-week outpatient recovery programs. Programs are customized for each individual but include treatment methods such as individual and group counseling.
  • Homeward Bound Inc.
    Homeward Bound Inc. is a nonprofit agency offering a range of substance abuse and mental health treatment options in Texas, including in the Dallas area. This agency offers detox, residential programs, outpatient programs and medication-assisted treatment for substance abuse.
  • Dallas 24 Hour Club
    Dallas 24 Hour Club provides services such as transitional living, 12-step meetings and life skills programs to help individuals in recovery remain sober while integrating back into life.

Substance Abuse Hotline for Dallas Residents

If the above resources aren’t what you’re looking for, you can call the National Rehab Hotline to learn about more options for help in the Dallas area. The hotline is free and confidential, and compassionate specialists are available to answer your call 24-7. When you or someone you love needs help finding substance abuse resources near you or has questions about the addiction cycle or what might happen in rehab, give us a call.