
Miami is known for its vibrant culture, access to beaches and nightlife, plentiful lifestyle amenities and a tendency toward decadence. While the fun-in-the-sun party culture attracts many tourists annually, living in the area can put people at greater risk of substance abuse disorders and mental health needs.

The Sunshine State, as a whole, reports fairly high drug use and overdose statistics. Drugs commonly associated with overdoses in the state include fentanyl, cocaine, benzos, methamphetamine and oxycodone.

If you’re caught up in an addiction cycle or struggling with other mental health challenges, you don’t have to face them alone. No matter what substances you’re struggling with, Miami mental health care resources are available to help.

National Mental Health Resources

  • National Rehab Hotline
    This national substance abuse hotline operates 24-7. When you call, you speak to a caring hotline specialist who listens to your story and helps you connect with resources to aid in your recovery. You can speak to someone about mental health resources or treatment for alcohol or drug addiction — or a combination of those needs.
    Consider calling if you want to know about Miami addiction treatment or other resources, aren’t sure how to help a loved one struggling with addiction or want answers to questions such as what happens when you go to rehab.
    (866) 210-1303
  • National Alliance on Mental Health Hotline
    NAMI runs a helpline Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST. You can call this helpline to speak to a NAMI volunteer who can help you find resources near you for mental health or addiction treatment. You can also connect with helpline resources via text or email.
    Call: (800) 950-6264
    Text: HelpLine to 62640

Help for Miami Residents

  • Miami-Dade Central Intake Unit
    This free resource offers a professional evaluation and a referral to an appropriate treatment level, whether outpatient or inpatient care. The Central Intake Unit receives individuals via several channels, including referrals from law enforcement and community-based organizations. However, you can also walk in or bring your family member if you believe a need exists for mental health or addiction support.
  • Miami Mobile Response Team
    The Village South/WestCare partners with NAMI to provide 24-7 mobile response and hotline support in Miami for those who have mental health or addiction crises.
  • Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc.
    Medically stable adults may qualify for free or low-cost alcohol or drug addiction treatment at St. Luke’s Center. The organization offers short-term (up to 30 days) residential treatment programs, outpatient services and assessments to help individuals understand what Miami therapy services or treatment might be right for them.
    Chemical Addiction Recovery Effort, Inc.
    This nonprofit organization offers addiction treatment services for women. Treatments include detox, medication-assisted treatment, residential and outpatient services and ongoing prevention services. CARE accepts donations to help cover the costs of programming so it can offer low-cost or free treatment to women in need of addiction recovery services. For information about services, you can complete an online contact form or call the CARE helpline.
  • Summer House Detox Center
    This addiction treatment provider accepts a wide range of insurance coverages and offers a sliding scale to help make treatment affordable for those who don’t have insurance or whose plan won’t cover treatment 100%. Services include medication-assisted detox and addiction treatment for alcohol and drugs in a residential setting.
    Summer House is located at 13550 Memorial Highway in Miami. For more information or to start the intake process, you can complete an online contact form or call the intake hotline.

Call the National Rehab Hotline for Miami Mental Health Care

If you’re not sure where to start when seeking Miami mental health care or addiction services, that’s okay. You can call the National Rehab Hotline any time, any day. Our specialists are available 24-7 to take your call, listen to your story and provide helpful guidance about how to connect with the resources that can provide assistance and appropriate treatment. Call us now.