Codeine Addiction Hotline

Opioids are valued for their painkilling benefits, but their properties can result in addiction and abuse. An estimated 2.1 million people in the United States are affected by opioid use disorder, with codeine being one of the most popular options. Understanding codeine withdrawals and treatment options is essential to improve health and wellness.

Codeine is beneficial for pain relief and cough suppression, but recreational use has resulted in an uptick in addiction. The National Rehab Hotline is here to assist with research, education, support and treatment if you’re concerned about pursuing a codeine detox.

Continue reading to learn more about the drug, its abuse and the tips for managing withdrawal symptoms today.

What Is Codeine?

Codeine is a popular opioid that’s prescribed to treat coughs and pain. It comes in several forms, including liquid, capsules and tablets. Most codeine prescriptions include other pain relievers like acetaminophen and promethazine.

There are beneficial therapeutic uses for codeine, but users may begin abusing the drug for its euphoric effects. It works by attaching to and activating the opioid receptors in your body.

The opioid receptors modify pain signals in the body and produce more dopamine, resulting in feelings of euphoria for the user. The dopamine activity reinforces the act of using codeine, increasing the likelihood of using the drug again in the future.

A popular way to use codeine includes mixing it with sweet foods and beverages like candy and soda, respectively. These “cocktails” are popularly referred to as “lean” or “sizzurp.”

Dangers of Codeine Use

Codeine use carries risk, even with lower doses. If you’re concerned about your health and wellness, contacting a codeine hotline is an excellent way to access support and encouragement.

A significant danger of using codeine is dependence on the drug to continue functioning. Extended use can result in slower breathing, problematic use and death.

Many codeine prescriptions include acetaminophen, which can cause damage to the liver and kidney when consumed in large doses. You also risk an overdose by consuming high volumes of codeine.

Symptoms to watch for include slower breathing, cold and bluish skin and loss of consciousness. The risk of an overdose increases when codeine is consumed with alcohol or with other types of opioids.

What to Expect With Codeine Withdrawals

Codeine, like other opioids, is highly addictive, and many people develop a high tolerance after extensive use and abuse of the drug. Tolerance builds as the body adjusts, meaning you need a larger dose to reap the same health benefits from the drug.

Your tolerance is dependent on your genetics, how long you’ve taken the drug and the volume of your dosage. As tolerance grows, your body requires more codeine to prevent codeine withdrawals. Dependence can begin occurring after a few weeks of using codeine for pain or cough suppression.

Withdrawal Symptoms

If you’re becoming dependent on or addicted to codeine, seeking help is beneficial to overcome the withdrawals and begin the codeine detox phase. It can be dangerous to try to detox on your own, so medical supervision is recommended. You can prepare by understanding what to expect when you start detoxing.

You may experience two phases when you begin helping your body detox. The first phase can start as soon as a few hours after your last dose of the drug.

The other withdrawal symptoms begin later when your body starts adjusting to the lack of codeine in your system. Early symptoms include irritability, sweating, runny nose and difficulty falling asleep.

The later symptoms can be more severe. It’s possible you’ll experience nausea, diarrhea, chills and stomach cramps as your body adapts to life without codeine.

Length of Codeine Withdrawal Symptoms

When you begin your codeine detox, it’s best to assume your withdrawal symptoms will last at least 1 week. Individuals with a history of substantial use and abuse can experience withdrawals lasting months.

The first few days produce the strongest physical symptoms, but most subside after 2 weeks. Mental symptoms take longer to resolve, with some cases lasting months. Each experience is different, but having an idea of what to expect can help you fortify your mind for the challenges associated with withdrawals.

What Are the Treatment Options?

Individuals who are ready to pursue a codeine detox may benefit from a medical detox with help from health care professionals. Health professionals can ensure the most comfortable and stress-free detox possible. It’s an excellent and effective way to reduce the risks of adverse outcomes when committing to a codeine detox.

It’s critical to note that the detox stage is just one of several steps to take if you’re ready to leave codeine in the past. The purpose of detoxing is to rid the body and mind of the influence of opioids.

Group Therapy

After completing a successful detox, there are several modalities to consider to overcome opioid abuse or addiction. Group therapy is beneficial because it places you in a safe environment where you can discuss your challenges and work through them with individuals with similar experiences.

Recreational Therapy

Recreational therapy is another option to consider after a successful detox. It’s a form of therapy focused on activity-based interventions and recreation to address your specific needs. The therapist can create highly customizable treatment plans, making it more straightforward to meet your lifestyle and health needs.

Relapse Prevention Therapy

Relapse prevention is a vital step toward breaking away from codeine and other opioids by identifying situations and environments that cause the risk of relapsing to increase. You can work with your therapist to create action plans to avoid relapsing.

Your therapist can help you learn to focus on the consequences of placing yourself in high-risk situations while helping you enhance your coping skills to prevent a relapse. The best therapists can also reinforce your confidence to abstain from using codeine.

When to Call a Codeine Hotline

Knowing when to call a codeine hotline is essential for getting help and support. The codeine hotline is designed to assist individuals combating addiction in nonemergency situations. If you or someone you love is in a life-threatening situation, contacting emergency services or 911 is best.

You can also call the codeine hotline when seeking help with a codeine addiction. Having a desire to change is a significant step toward recovering from codeine abuse.

The hotline is an excellent resource if you’re seeking safe and effective care. You can get guidance and resources to help you toward recovery.

Codeine addiction can be challenging, but you can start the road to recovery by calling the National Rehab Hotline. Callers can benefit from referrals to treatment facilities and confidential support on their journey. The hotline serves to provide assistance and guidance if you or a loved one is fighting addiction, and help is just one call away.