
Houston, home of one of the largest medical complexes in the world and NASA’s training grounds, is a study in contradictions. It has a sprawling population of more than 2.3 million residents. Its very diverse population has given rise to a unique food culture and some of the world’s biggest investments in major industries such as oil and gas. But along with its thriving economy and bustling nightlife comes a growing mental health crisis.

Everything’s bigger in Texas, from the cities to the number of people struggling with addiction and mental health concerns. Houston’s mental health stats show that this city is struggling to give residents access to very needed mental health care. With a suicide rate that claimed 15% more lives in 2017-2020 compared to the 4 years prior and residents reporting an extra day of mental unwellness every month, extending access to care is a priority. However, with only one mental health care professional per 800 residents, it’s an ongoing challenge.

If you’re looking for a local Houston addiction treatment center or therapy in Houston, there are options available that prioritize those in crisis. This guide offers national, state and local options for connecting with care.

National Mental Health Resources

  • National Rehab Hotline
    The National Rehab Hotline is a frontline option for obtaining crisis care. When you call, you speak with a trained, compassionate professional who listens to your story without judgment and helps you access local treatment options. With counselors available 24-7, it’s always the perfect time to start your journey toward wellness.
    (866) 210-1303
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
    Houston residents can call the National Alliance on Mental Illness for help. This national helpline operates Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. NAMI volunteers work with you to find treatment options that fit your current needs. If calling is intimidating, you can also reach out via text or email. Text service is always on and ready, so if you need after-hours help, reach out.
    Call: (800) 950-NAMI (6264)
    Text: HelpLine to 62640
    Email: helpline@nami.org

Houston Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources

  • 988 Texas Suicide and Crisis LifeLine
    Local crisis centers in Houston and throughout Texas participate in the 988 LifeLine, helping individuals and families who are dealing with a mental health crisis. Free and confidential support is available immediately, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You’ll talk to a trained crisis counselor and learn about ongoing support options.
  • Texas Health and Human Services
    Texas Health and Human Services is a statewide agency that operates various adult substance use services, from medication-assisted treatment and medical detox to residential programs. Applications for benefits are available online, and access to therapy in Houston or addiction treatment is available via state-contracted service providers.

Free or Low-Cost Rehabs and Resources in Houston

  • Career and Recovery Resources
    A nonprofit program that works in partnership with correctional facilities, Career and Recovery Resources provides free addiction treatment along with education, housing and job placement assistance. This program takes a holistic approach to wellness that includes building a better financial foundation for those who need assistance by prioritizing affordable housing, homelessness prevention and employment services along with recovery programs.
  • The Women’s Home
    At The Women’s Home, women and their children have a place to rest and recover. It’s a residential treatment program that combines mental health services with addiction treatment to ensure all residents are given the best shot at long-term sobriety. After immediate residential treatment, patients may move to temporary or permanent transitional housing as they continue their sober journey.
  • Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources
    The Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources combines treatment options such as medication-assisted programs with peer support to create a tailored and truly supportive recovery experience. At CRWR, patients are paired with a personalized recovery coach who can help them access additional levels of service, from housing and transportation to support groups and ongoing addiction treatment.

Get Help Today

If addiction or mental health challenges are weighing you down and you’re ready to set the extra baggage aside, it’s time to make the call to the National Rehab Hotline. One call can help you find Houston mental health services and addiction treatment programs that kickstart the recovery process.